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Homeless Outreach

It’s an unattractive reality that many countries face wherein people affected by poverty have no access to proper living conditions. But fortunately, there is hope, BBRF will be opening facilities that cater to the homeless and newly released incarcerated inmates.  We will be providing temporary shelters filled with hope and dignity to people who do not just need a place to stay, but need real help and support. 


Medication Management

Better Behavior Recovery med-management program will provide the necessary support to the clients to improve the use of their medications.  Proper management of medication helps to improve the overall quality of mental health and the client’s healthcare of life.   This would include one on one counseling on the importance of effective medication management for better healthy outcome. 

Services & Resources: Resources & Tips


Better Behavior Recovery Program, will help with CPR and G.E.D


Physical Fitness

BB Recover Program helps everyone stay fit by hosting schedule fitness and exercise classes.

Services & Resources: Resources & Tips

Our prevention, outreach and education efforts shed light on the realities of abuse and trauma in our community, and the root issues embedded within society. Better Behavior Recovery Program provides a variety of additional resources to help you help the ones you love. We’re here to help.

Services & Resources: Resources & Tips

Substance and Alcohol Treatment

BBRP mission is to provide a space where people can heal from addiction in a compassionate, creative, open-minded, and heart-centered environment.  Each client will receive a comprehensive, individualized recovery plan.  They will have the opportunity to take part in their therapy.  The goal is to heal trauma, gain insight, and uncover the strength and authenticity that allow for deep recovery in a holistic manner. The plan is to offer constant lifeline with emphasizes on our message that support is always available, and no one ever has to pick up a drink or drug again, one day at a time.


Housing Assistance

Better Behavior Recovery Program will assist with providing temporary housing for the duration of the program.

Services & Resources: Resources & Tips

Transportation Assistance

Better Behavior Recovery Program will assist with transportation during the duration of the program.


Prisoners Re-Entry To Society Assistance

There are many moving parts in being successful in society.  i.e., reconnecting with friends, family, finding a place to live, and finding work to name but a few. It can be an overwhelming process to navigate. Better Behavior Recovery Program is here to support clients who wishes to be successful with re-entry to society.

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Services & Resources: Resources & Tips

JOB Assistance

Better Behavior Recovery Program will assist client's with finding a job.

Services & Resources: Services
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